Wage war against procrastination

As children, we ought to be zealous and passionate about even the most minute things, actually, the things that affected us and tickled our fantasy usually were minute to the perception of an adult, things whose aftermath either did not effect anything major or didn't have any effect at all except for our existing selves at that time. Things like being able to play in rain, running to buy an ice cream, dashing through the driveway because it was time for our favorite T.V show, stuff like that, really had us all jolly and excited. Or rather, that excitement was the reason that we really did those things that seemed too minute and without a consequence to a mature one. But then, as we started to grow, to grow into our dad's boots and into the responsibilities that long awaited our arrival to adolescent, as the social norms began to cast us into it's subordinate, to pressurize us into being subservient to its conventions and commotions, there comes a time when for some of us, ehh, okay, for a lot of us, the flow of life breaks, all the fervency that had inhabited us to this point, just seem to disappear into a thick smoke, every aspect of life and living seems to become a burden to even the best of us, and we just...flump. Therein makes its entry, a sort of superficial accomplice whose slogan charms the already lost and down warrior so much that they, in an instant, gives in to it's promising covenant that "We will do it, later". The devil himself, people, 'Procrastination'.

According to google dictionary, the meaning behind the word stand as,
 "The action of delaying or postponing something."

Even in a general context, it's meant, more or less, the same, but with a bit of alleviation of the situation. Rather than delaying the action, it, in its wholesome, just straight up gets neglected. Boom, responsibility disappears right off the surface of earth. Unless it is extremely necessary, that is. Even than the action that's supposed to be done so thoroughly and with remarkable details becomes the afterproduct of makeshift and decay. And that usually comes with repercussions. A relatable example might be running late for an assignment, whether it be for the end of your major semester or 9th grade, whose submission deadline's due for tomorrow, considering your options, either you can bully the nerd of your batch to do it for you, copy paste it off wikipedia, or simply just swing it yourself, all of which are, as I said, makeshift and doings of a scum (naruto reference) and, as I said, have their repercussions. Some are sly enough to get away, but this usually doesn't end up in our favor, rather against it. Suppose your parents are being rung home or your GPA's done for, depending upon the context, you contemplate in remorse, "If, only if, I had done it the right way and within due time, this would not have costed me such disrespect". But what's lost is lost, right? A wise one, in my humble opinion wouldn't let this be the end of it all, but rather a curving point in one's life to regain their former glory. and for this, I will provide you with a simple yet effective hack or plural, atleast it is for me as I acknowledge it because I am humble enough to do so, might just be the magic wand to bring you back on track.


1.Immediate action

Now that you have acknowledge the fictitious reality of procrastination, you may deem it your enemy. To ward against it, one of the simple things i do is I take immediate action. How immediate? well basically, i consider the bottomline of a poem i read in my 9th grade that had one of its three morals as '"The best time to do something is right now."
How do I interpret it? well basically, as soon as something would hit me that I have to complete, regardless of whether it has a deadline and regardless of its significance, I would jump right into it, as of right off the bat. If I'm laying down or sitting, I would jump right up, mind my words, jump right up, because I don't want to leave any room for second thoughts as they come right on. If I'm already up, I would start walking towards the destination of my action. That's immediate action. Even though you are probably thinking, "Ammarh, that's something so obvious that you just pointed out", but my motive is to point it out. We have been so inclined to leave something for later that it has become our primary instinct for any sort of responsibility, and to kill that, we first have to recognize that it is there since the first step towards diagnosing a disease is to point it out, right? I did so, and so should you. You go, girl!

2. Keeping a record

Considering you have applied the practice of immediate action into your life, or working on it, keep working on it, anyhow, there will come times where you just might get point blank as to what you had due, maybe the minor stuff, maybe some major details, for example, I a lot of times forget that I have to water my Aloe Vera plant on sundays since it is not a part of my daily routine, or I forget to do my math homework just because I was busy doing physic's or any other subject, so what do you do as a cure for such a case, everyday bucket list, whether it be in form of an artistic journal one or just a simpleton one, like mine. Maybe you have a small writing board collecting dust under your bed, just use whatever's applicable and convenient to you since no one is distributing points anyway, right? Although this advice may seem quite obvious and cliche, but it's effects are overtaking, I can manage my chores a lot better ever since I started taking notes in my journal, I am getting a little bit better academically since whenever I start getting distracted by things that ought not to get my attention, the idea of not completing my bucket list hits right up and re tracks me since I can't bear lacking behind and piling up, because, sooner than later, I will have to do it, and so you would have to too.

3. Achieve milestones

The majority of things we lack in about the majority of times are ones not of interests but have to be done regardless, so they feel like a burden. The way I go about with these types of burdens is that the things that are of my interest are ought to be things I set up so that they will either come after these works of interests or just simply, in the end. So they feels like rewards for achieving milestones. I look forward to those rewards, so I try to zip past all of the work of interest as quickly as possible while maintaining a decent standard in my way of work. Usually for me, it's studying physics or writing an essay, something academic related since that's my definition of fun (I must be fun to hang around in parties, huh? Jokes on you, I don't go to them.)

Although these tips and tricks may give you a bit of push, but the warp and woof to having a routine life is motivation. Do things you love, alongside things that have to be done, so you can enjoy while get past another day of your life without slumbering deep within your couch. Don't be disappointed if you can't tick out all the points in your bucket list, look at the bright side, atleast you got half of them them, one fourth, even one out of ten, that's progress, feel accomplished, keep on advancing and hold on to even the slightest strand of motivation. Let's make it past another day, God bless.
